Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rolling a standby forward using an RMAN incremental backup in 10g

to enable the automatic maintenance of archive logs on standby database :
to enable flash recovery area and to allow the archived logs to be shipped to flash recovery area

SQL> alter system set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST='/disk1/FRA';
SQL> alter system set DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE=80G;

RMAN>configure archivelog deletion policy to applied on standby database
'when there is space pressure on FRA then the archive logs applied on standby will be automatically deleted

Rolling a standby forward using an RMAN incremental backup in 10g
When the standby database has fallen significantly behind the primary database and there have not been nologging operations performed on the primary database
When nologging operations have been performed on the primary database and the standby database has not yet applied past the point that the nologging operations occurred


1.stop managed recovery on the physical standby database
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

2.connect to the recovery catalog and the standby database As the target and manually catalog the standby datafiles as datafile copies
 RMAN> connect catalog rman/rman@host1/rcvcat
 RMAN> connect target sys/manager@host2/stby
RMAN> catalog datafilecopy
  level 0 tag 'STBY';
3.connect to the recovery catalog and the primary database as the target, and create
   an incremantal level 1 backup using the datafile copies as the parent level 0
 RMAN>connect catalog rman/rman@host1/rcvcat
 RMAN>connect target sys/manager@host1/prod
 RMAN> backup incremental level 1 tag'STBY' for recover of copy with tag 'STBY' database format '/private/backup/%u';

4.copy the newly created backup piece to the same location on the standby system

  $ rcp /private/backup/<incr_backup> stby:/private/backup/

5.connect to the recovery catalog and the standby database as the target and roll the datafile copies forward
  RMAN>connect  catalog rman/rman@host1/rcvcat
  RMAN>connect target sys/manager@host2/stby
  RMAN>recover copy of database with tag 'STBY';

6.delete incremental backup and uncatalog the  standby datafiles as datafile copies
RMAN> delete backup tag 'STBY';
RMAN> change copy like '/oracle/oradata/STBY/datafile/%',uncatalog

The RECOVER COPY OF DATABASE command causes the 'STBY' tag associated with the datafile copies to change to '' (NULL) or back to a previous tag, if one had existed.  Use CHANGE COPY LIKE to uncatalog the standby datafiles as copies.

7.restart managed recovery
  SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect;

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